If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #1 made 7 years ago

[left]The following problems should only affect a tiny fraction of users.[/left]
If using Google Chrome, you may find; upon registration, after solving the Captcha or 'Sortable' correctly you are told you are incorrect; not being able to login using your proper username and password; when posting, finding the 'Add Files' button not working.


This problem is extremely rare although a few users on other phpBB forum software sites have also experienced it however we never found an already published solution.

I was one of the few people experiencing this problem and, a few days ago, completely uninstalled a password manager (Dashlane) from my main computer. This fixed some things. I then completely removed and then re-installed Google Chrome. I then used my Chrome account to re-import my settings, extensions, bookmarks etc and everything seems to be working fine now.

This morning I re-installed Dashlane and everything seems to be okay still.

Apologies to anyone who has experienced the above. It's certainly a tremendously frustrating bug to experience.

Please let us know if you have experienced any of these problems.

Last edited by Pat on 24 Mar 2017, 09:22, edited 5 times in total.

Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #4 made 7 years ago
Thanks for the above Robert :salute:

I won't be able to reply again for about another 12 hours but, in the meantime can you let me know if...

1. You are using a password manager of some sort
2. What browser you are using
3. Hopefully some screenshots (eg what do you see on your screen when you try and reset your password?)

Thanks again,
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Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #7 made 7 years ago
Hey Pat,

I am still having difficulty with log in... Each time I go to the BIABrewer.info page, or if I open a second instance on an internet browser, I have to re-log in. Regardless of having the box clicked that is supposed to remember you for the next time. And this is regardless of using Microsoft Edge on my PC, or Safari on my iPhone or iPad...

Sometimes also - like when clicking a link - you have to re-log in again... It's a very similar "log in" issue.

JP (freedom2000), I believe is having a problem with this right now... Can see his post and my response on the Intro forum page (I'll link below).

http://www.biabrewer.info/viewtopic.php ... start=8050

Anyhow, wanted to report it.

    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #8 made 7 years ago
Thanks Scott :salute: Fixed!

Forgot to change the cookie domain from one we were using a few weeks ago. Oops! Time I've had since then has been syphoned into setting up (and learning) how to write stuff to automatically back the site up in a few places a few times a day.

You'll also find now you can right click on a link and have it open in a new tab. I would have never guessed that cookies would affect that :smoke:

Sorry I didn't fix this earlier, must have been driving you mad.

Much appreciated,
Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #12 made 7 years ago
Whenever I log in and weather I tick the remember me box or not alls good - until I open a link in a new tab or just click on the link it happens. When I do that I have to log on again only to return to the index page. rinse and repeat .It does it to me in google chrome AND in internet explorer. What the?


Last edited by breaky on 10 Apr 2017, 17:24, edited 1 time in total.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From Australia

Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #14 made 7 years ago

Cause: A bug in an 'extension' to phpBB used to open external links (links that lead to other sites) in a new tab.

I've disabled the extension but am pretty sure we had that hard-coded a few months ago so will look for that code so we don't have to use the extension.

Thanks again for letting me know of this :salute:
Last edited by Pat on 10 Apr 2017, 20:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #17 made 7 years ago
Cheers ;). Took a while to find too as some internal links did work :scratch:. At one stage I even thought it looked like links to threads that contained a post by a user with a missing avatar was the problem.

Next problem: Looks like users with gmail, outlook, live etc emails are getting bounced again :roll:. Jut read on the phpBB site that "some mail servers, notably hotmail and gmail, treat anything that emanates from a phpBB site as spam. If this is the case then there is nothing that you can do about it." That sentence was buried in a thread there. Bit crazy that it's not talked about more. For a start, one option in phpBB is to force account activation via email but, of course, the gmail/outlook etc user wouldn't get the registration email even in their spam folder :o.

How crazy is that? (Yes, it says it in that same thread.)

I'll look into customising the email notifications and a few other things as the above just can't be right.

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Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #18 made 7 years ago
Does anyone have any insights into the following?

There are at least four websites I've come across recently that don't work with Google Chrome when it comes to filling in a form. One of these is even a major Australian government website. Sarah and I, using different IP's and computers, both had the same problem. What confuses me is that if "big" sites have this problem, why isn't there more talk about it?

Until I Gain Some Understanding of the Above...

Until I gain some understanding of the above, I'm not sure what more I, personally, can or should do, to make the new site happen. Here is an email I received the other day with the subject entitled, "Signing Up Sucks"...
It took me 5 or 6 tries to get the last question right, and then it refused to take either my newly-created username OR my email addy. I have been using BIAB for a couple years now, but maybe I don't need to join your forum...
The member did eventually succeed in registering but, I see they still haven't received the apologetic PM I sent them.

I don't blame that person for their email one bit. It's a perfectly logical and reasonable complaint. I actually appreciate them taking the time to complain. How many others can't register here and just give up? Is it just Chrome causing a problem?

Can anyone in IT Step up?

Whilst the person who wrote the email above may have been frustrated (and rightly so), I am way more frustrated. I hate talking about myself personally, I'm not comfortable with it, it does not interest me. What does excite and interest me is passing on information. I love that! So much so, I stopped work last year to consolidate and structure a new site. That took three months. IT problems, like the one above, took another 6 months and all my savings (about $50,000). The problem was, that as soon as one IT problem was solved, another would pop up.

Where I'm At Now

Mmmmmm. $50,000 dollars is a massive amount of money for me. Whilst it was not that great seeing it steadily and unexpectedly expended on IT stuff, the last few months of being totally or almost completely broke have been very productive; they forced my mind back into the essentials. Any spare thinking time I've had could not be spent on IT, only brewing. Being totally broke and being forced into stepping away from total focus on the new site, paradoxically, lead to more revolutions, especially in the last four weeks - equipment simplification that, once again, paradoxically, enables sophistication. And, all the parts require no manual cleaning!!!

So, I'm stuck with a new site structure and a new revolution in brewing equipment. But, it is going to have to stay in my head until this IT stuff gets sorted - completely. I've tried, and failed, so it's going to have to be up to someone else now I think.

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Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #19 made 7 years ago
Hey Pat,

Is it only not working with Google Chrome...? If that is the case, could post a warning that use of Google Chrome as an internet browser will not enable user to fill out forms, etc. I don't know. It's probably way more than that...

It's really too bad to have done all that work last year, and not get it up and going. Even if imperfect, if workable and a big improvement, it might be good to make the leap. But if it really is non-workable, perhaps you may be stuck.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #21 made 7 years ago
I can't help either unfortunately.
I have a hatred for explorer (or whatever they renamed it to) & chrome.

Have always been a Mozilla/Firefox user.

I have never seen these problems you mention though, so may be a Chrome only issue?
I spent lots of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I squandered
I've stopped drinking, but only when I'm asleep
I ONCE gave up women and alcohol - it was the worst 20 minutes of my life
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Great Britain

Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #23 made 7 years ago
I haven't used chrome yet for the site.. Pretty much just use EDGE or Firefox. Have not seen any issues.. Not an IT guy ....Just curious to the country that the problems are originating in.. All the same or many different. The more questions asked then the smarter people can add 1+1 and help with the answer. I'm not one of the smarter ones though.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Re: If You Are Having Strange Problems Registering or Logging In

Post #25 made 6 years ago
Think I had a bit of fuel on board writing that last post :). Finished a 3 week job with very long hours on Friday so, after weekend of sleep and relaxing, I'm back in form now.

Simon reckons he's going to have some time late September to help out so that's brilliant :champ:. He can often fix something in minutes. A few months back, I had spent days working out a backup script for the site using "rsync." One letter in the command was causing the problem. After Simon found the problem, I went back over the hundreds of web pages I'd read and the exception to using this one letter, used in all scenarios except one, was only mentioned twice, buried amongst many hundreds of other notes/instructions.

Thanks to those I sent a test PM too letting me know they received it. It's a relief to know that they are probably working for most, if not all people.

And thanks too to the above respondents. I suspect that the form problems are extremely rare. I did investigate it in great detail towards the beginning of the year and, from memory, the problem is almost impossible to reproduce. It requires a rare combination of things. Maybe instead of whinging here, I should look up my old notes? :lol:

I'll also take up Scott's suggestion and add a warning about Chrome on the registration page which will require me to refresh my html/phpBB etc skills. It's been a while.

Looking forward to this week though as I have all the parts now for the new "brewing system." I'm feeling like a child on their birthday :party:

Thanks a heap,
Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)
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