Post #26 made 10 years ago
NME wrote:Stone cold sober, but very cranky ;)
Lol, it'll be fine mate. Might be another goldy :).
lukasfab wrote:its my boys 5th b'day and his god father said he will come over from Adelaide that weekend. Unfortunately he is not a beer drinker :sad:
Mate you need to look at this slightly differently... I'd be thinking, "Great, now I have a chauffeur and a baby-sitter!"

Went to change my ticket yesterday but fee had jumped from a $100 to $180 in two days so I'm going to be a no-show for the tasting. Spewing :angry:.
lukasfab wrote:you guys actually bottling your beer or just fill from keg??
I just do mine from the keg Lucas. I usually put a jet of CO2 in the bottles when I know they are going to be stored for a few weeks. Chilling the bottles, even plastic ones, in the freezer can help with the pour. I also have flow control on my taps but even with that, sometimes on a fresh keg, it will pour too much foam. In this case, I pour it into a jug and let it settle in the fridge for 5 minutes and then pour into bottles. It all works out fine.

If you could be bothered, you could always bottle-conditions a few bottles and see how they compare to the kegged beer. Just use what tastes best in the comp. Sometimes priming sugar can really change the flavour.


Can't believe you'll be chauffeur-driven to the show :lol:.
Last edited by PistolPatch on 18 Sep 2013, 20:59, edited 2 times in total.
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    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Australia

Post #29 made 10 years ago
Two things...

Doogiechap dropped in for a beer last night, I told him of the Swap and he is good to go! If the actual swap thing is on the 26th, he will be able to attend that too :party:.

You decided on a date yet Stu? If so, if you go and edit your first post, you can change the date in the topic title by changing the subject of the post. I know you have a busy few days coming up, so if we don't hear from you, we'll assume the 26th for now until we hear otherwise.

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Post #30 made 10 years ago
PistolPatch wrote:Two things...

Doogiechap dropped in for a beer last night, I told him of the Swap and he is good to go! If the actual swap thing is on the 26th, he will be able to attend that too :party:.

You decided on a date yet Stu? If so, if you go and edit your first post, you can change the date in the topic title by changing the subject of the post. I know you have a busy few days coming up, so if we don't hear from you, we'll assume the 26th for now until we hear otherwise.

Yep lets lock it in for the 26th
Last edited by Aces high on 19 Sep 2013, 22:47, edited 2 times in total.

Post #31 made 10 years ago
Good news, my beer survived the "drop" :P Now I'm just hoping the swap numbers don't go up too much so I have enough beer for everyone ;)

Pat I'll organise a drop off within a couple of weeks of the swap if that's cool (and also hoping you can take my comp entries to Claremont for me??)
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Australia

Post #32 made 10 years ago
Wtf? Simo, I thought you were going to be able to make it in the 26th?

As for your comp entry/ies, just tell me what style you have entered and I will mix it here as long as it is a really boring style. (I am spewing - I think I got sold amarillo hops that actually aren't anything like amarillo - pretty annoyed as you can imagine. It has shafted two of my comp entries badly.)

On a More Valuable Note...

I think most of us have been in a Swap before and found them pretty useless feedback-wise. This swap (and creates some pretty unique possibilities. Here's what I'm thinking...

How about we send our feedback on our own beers and everyone else's beers to a central/uninterested party? We'd be able to find someone as there is nothing they really have to do.

This however would give me/us the freedom to say my beer is this or that (great/crap) and that your beer is this or that (great/crap). I want to think on this some more but I think it is basically a great educational idea.
Last edited by PistolPatch on 23 Sep 2013, 19:19, edited 2 times in total.
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Post #33 made 10 years ago
Nope. 26th was a "good chance I can't" which has changed to "no chance".

I'm more in the swap for tasting other peoples beers than getting feedback on my own :P Always keen for criticism, but more keen to try other peoples beer ;)
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Australia

Post #34 made 10 years ago
Bummer Simo :sad:. Anyway, will look forward to seeing you when you drop your bottles around. Are you able to make it to the Royal Show Tasting? (I just found a later flight to change to that didn't cost a fortune :party:.)

Still thinking on that 'educational' idea in my last post but I'll leave you with one of my earliest swap reviews, a swap that contained some dreadfully bitter beers :)...
Ruination IPA: Just had the first sip and F.F.S., I can hardly breathe. After the pleasant surprise of Jye's beer, I thought yours would be the same. Still lost for words and have just pressed 000 on my phone so if I stop breathing (a real possibility) all I have to do is press one button.

This is a struggle. What is wrong with you guys? Can't believe you guys actually like this stuff....

Screwtop, Jye's is an easy-drinking 'girly' beer compared to this. Ross's should be the Tourettes Terror 'cos all I can think of now is swearing. What I'd give now for another taste of Jye's! My screen has gone blurry from the tears in my eyes....

Knowing that Ross brews excellent beers is the only reason I'm persisting here..... I'm going for a shower...

... Finished shower. I sort of took this beer as a personal challenge and so a lot of questioning was going on in there. Should I continue? Should I not?

Congratulations Ross! You win! This has got to be the most overpowering/whelming beer I have ever tasted. Such a beer could be used in warfare. I drank down to just below the top of the label, (half a glass?), and I have already surrendered. Call me a girl or whatever. I don't care as long as I don't have to drink any more of your Ruination tonight!

P.S. Being the dedicated brewer I am, I actually re-capped the bastard and will attempt to have another go in the next few days (probably wouldn't matter if I left it a few years F.F.S.). There were a few nice flavours coming through between hyper-ventilations though.

P.P.S. The P.S. above was actually bullsh*t. Have only saved the remainder of Ross's Runiation so it can be used as evidence in the assault charges I am about to bring against him.
Second attempt, a few days later...
Second Attempt: My posts have been way too long this week so I thought I'd punish myself by having another crack at the Ruination. Wish me luck!

Toffee aroma today, nice, something interesting. Still bloody nervous though. Would really like to close my eyes and block my nose for the first sip which I have been delaying for about 5 minutes already. Here we go :dunno:...

For &%$#!&^%!!! sake Ross!

My life just flashed before my eyes! You hear that people who get struck by lightning develop an electrical resistance but immunity actually drops upon the second attack from this chemical weapon, it's far more assaulting. Couldn't even swallow this time!

Can't even talk now so I'll just sign off - no way the Runiantion gets a third try from me.
Last edited by PistolPatch on 25 Sep 2013, 07:25, edited 2 times in total.
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Post #37 made 10 years ago
NME wrote:Nah I'll be down south that weekend :/
Down south? That is no excuse at all, I was going to the other side of the country but did I let a little thing like that stop me? :)
NME wrote: That is one of the greatest beer reviews I have ever read.
Just getting ready for sinkas beer...
sinkas wrote:10l brett starter is foaming funkee
Need I say more? :lol:
Last edited by PistolPatch on 26 Sep 2013, 20:25, edited 2 times in total.
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    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Australia

Post #38 made 10 years ago
Hi All,

back from holidays and a week of unemployment due to being made redundant the day after I got back :thumbs:

I thought we better tie up what is happening with the case swap and who is coming along, I know the change in dates screwed it up for a few people. Is everyone still keen for an afternoon of it (or should that be "on it" )or should we just have a meet up somewhere to exchange beers?

Im still more than happy to host it, just as longs as its not just me and Pat sitting around getting drunk while he tries to hit on my missus

Post #39 made 10 years ago
PistolPatch wrote:Bummer Simo :sad:. Anyway, will look forward to seeing you when you drop your bottles around. Are you able to make it to the Royal Show Tasting? (I just found a later flight to change to that didn't cost a fortune :party:.)


Nice work on the flight change PP, Im looking forward to the beer day afternoon
Last edited by Aces high on 11 Oct 2013, 08:21, edited 2 times in total.

Post #41 made 10 years ago
Aces high wrote:...just as longs as its not just me and Pat sitting around getting drunk while he tries to hit on my missus
And my plan was working so well until Lukas posted and said he's coming :sad:.

I know this has worked out smaller than you expected Stu so if you just want to make it a quick meet up and swap or do it at my place instead (especially given your new job thing) then go for it.

Did I mention that Doogiechap isn't in any longer because his beer got infected? Sinkas is still good to go but I think NME is down south that weekend so I don't think it's going to be a big one at all.

If anyone has brewed an IPA there is some free entry comp coming up soon. Sinkas might be able to give us the link.

Last edited by PistolPatch on 12 Oct 2013, 22:15, edited 2 times in total.
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    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Australia

Post #43 made 10 years ago
lukasfab wrote:Maybe we just bring a keg or 2 to try each others beers and worry about a bottle swap as such?
No! :lol:

Lukas, I know you are worried about your beer and think it tastes like crap. I've got 7 beers on tap atm here and I'm only pleased with 2 of them. I have another two I'm about to keg that should be fine but, even if great, one at least would not win a medal as it's not to the style I entered it to.

Anyway, here's what I am trying to say...

I don't think we have to limit how many beers we give each others. I might put one beer into the Swap or I might put three. Who cares? As long as you give me feedback on what I put in.

Swap your worst beer or the beer you don't know what you have done wrong with. Just let everyone know if you think the beer has a problem or be silent. If it is really shit, maybe throw in a commercial example to compensate?

Share your best beer on the Swap Day - Bring it in a Keg. Who wants to drink or analyse shit beer on a brew day?

The main point of a swap should be to enable constructive communication between brewers. This swap, giving two 750 ml bottles to each other is a start but 4 x 375 ml would be even better as it would enable four separate tastings. Maybe next year?

Hope some of the above helps ;).
Last edited by PistolPatch on 14 Oct 2013, 20:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Post #45 made 10 years ago
yep, ive got a pale ale that's more like a golden ale and my black IPA tastes more like a stout. Why is it that when you brew a beer for competition it all goes to hell. Both beers are Ok, but not as good as Ive previously brewed them.

I'll just bring a couple of bottles of all 3 entries

Post #46 made 10 years ago
Aces high wrote:yep, ive got a pale ale that's more like a golden ale and my black IPA tastes more like a stout. Why is it that when you brew a beer for competition it all goes to hell. Both beers are Ok, but not as good as Ive previously brewed them.

I'll just bring a couple of bottles of all 3 entries
Sorry, I meant I'll just have a couple of bottles of each to try on the day as well as swap beers. Not enough coffee floating through the system when i wrote this one
Last edited by Aces high on 15 Oct 2013, 14:45, edited 2 times in total.

Post #47 made 10 years ago
So how many people do we have swapping?? I need to know how much to bottle :P

Pat, can I drop my beers around to yours on Friday night??
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Australia

Post #48 made 10 years ago
You have to bottle ten beers Simo as there are only five of us in the Swap. Friday night is fine, just let me know what time.

Aces is meant to post here about where we are meeting up on the 26th. Last time I spoke to him, we concluded it would be at my place. Aces, stop drinking and write the post :lol:.
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Post #49 made 10 years ago
PistolPatch wrote:You have to bottle ten beers Simo as there are only five of us in the Swap. Friday night is fine, just let me know what time.

Aces is meant to post here about where we are meeting up on the 26th. Last time I spoke to him, we concluded it would be at my place. Aces, stop drinking and write the post :lol:.
Stuff to do PP, stuff to do.

As above, there is only a few of us able to make it on the day so we might change the venue to PP's place, which means I dont have to clean up the brew shed, which is looking in serious disarray. You'd think with 54 square metres of shed space they would be plenty of shed space, but its starting to feel cramped.

I'd also like to state that this is the worst organised case swap in history and for that I apologise :sneak:

So new address PP's place, im pretty sure you all know the address.
Last edited by Aces high on 17 Oct 2013, 09:29, edited 2 times in total.

Post #50 made 10 years ago
Aces high wrote:...I'd also like to state that this is the worst organised case swap in history and for that I apologise :sneak:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

No need to apologise Stu and, even if there was, as if any of us care :P.

I'm glad it's at my place as I need you guys to drink about 80 litres of crappy beer to free up some kegs. Excellent! I've actually got 9 beers on tap atm and at least four are fine. (Someone remind me to hide those four.) If Bob's hop vodka works, there might be a good amber ale and American IPA to hide as well. (I don't think I've tasted an American IPA in the last three months that actually tastes like an American IPA. What's going on?) The other three are some oldies of which two scored silvers last year but have just passed their prime. Maybe I'll have a bash at fixing them as well? The English IPA? I have no idea on that beer but I'm not keen on it so maybe I'll just make that is the only beer that pours well on the day. Hahahaha!!!

Just joking of course. You can drink whatever you want.

As for swapping on the 26th, I'm thinking meeting up maybe around mid afternoon as sinkas will have finished his Sat work byu then but we can work that out later. Why start organising now? :)

Two Questions

Does anyone besides sinkas know for sure what they are actually swapping?

If anyone wants to swap two or more beers, they better speak up now before Simon drops his beer off to me tomorrow.

Simo, if you haven't bottled yet, maybe do 14 bottles as I believe Stu might swap two now and I can do so as well?

Last edited by PistolPatch on 18 Oct 2013, 08:11, edited 2 times in total.
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