Wyeast 3724 Starter

Post #1 made 2 years ago
Wyeast recommend fermenting their Wyeast 3724 at 90°F = 32°C to prevent the dreaded stuck fermentation.
I use a stir plate.
I live in England and have to add heat to ferment as opposed to keeping things cool.
What temperature should I have the starter?
If I have to keep the starter at 90°F = 32°C How can I keep the starter warm i.e. What would I place the Erlenmyer flask in; But I use a stir plate.
I do have a fermentation chamber but it is massive. See my post in:-
Bags, Mashers, Thermometers, Kettles etc.
Called:- OTT Fermentation Chamber.
For normal yeasts I have been putting the Erlenmyer flask on a stir plate during the day while the central heating is on.
During the night I place an aquarium heater in a glass jar filled with water. The glass jar then sits in a large bucket with some water in it with the Erlenmyer Flask. But I loose the stir plate overnight. See attached image.
I’m sort of answering my own question. I’ll have to design something to put the stir plate and the Erlenmyer Flask in to, and heat it up to 90°F = 32°C
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