Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8927 made 3 years ago
Welcome @kush1960

Let us know if you have any questions moving forward.

My brew kettle is about 16 gallons and depending on gravity of beer brewed - most of my brews are just over 1.050 OG - normally get a little over 8 gallons VIP (Volume Into Packaging). That can range to over 9 gallons on a lower OG beer and a little over 7 gallons on a higher OG beer. I like to brew but it certainly takes time and effort. So like to maximize capacity of my system. Extra beer goes into cleaned and sanitized 1 gallon or 0.5 gallon fermenters, or bottles, and extra beer is stored in the fridge and tops off the keg when I get low and haven’t brewed the new batch yet. Sounds like that’s what you are moving toward. It works pretty well!

If not done yet, you will want to download the BIABacus Excel file, free on this website. Also I would read the CBT page - Clear Brewing Terminology - so the terms used are clear to you.

Best of luck, and let us know how it goes.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8931 made 3 years ago
Welcome Leo, if you haven't done so already you'll want to have a look at the brewing software developed here, BIABacus, It's an excellent tool for nailing your brew day. Also this thread will help you get familiar with the terms you'll see in use around here. Let us know if you need help with anything.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 20 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8932 made 3 years ago
Hi! My name's Neil, I'm a noob brewer in Melbourne, Australia. My wife got me a Craftabrew starter kit for my birthday, (extract kit, 1 gallon) and I've brewed and fermented it and just waiting for the bottles to carbonate. While waiting impatiently I started reading a lot about homebrewing, and discovered this site via a podcast interview. I'm already planning to upgrade to a one vessel grain setup, but the wife doesn't want me to get bulky (bigger than 1 gallon) kettle or carboy. So I'm here trying to figure out how to do a BIAB recipe in a 5L stove pot and 1 gallon carboy. Need this post to download the calculator. :)
    • SVA Brewer With Under 5 Brews From Australia

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8933 made 2 years ago
Welcome, Neil.
The BIABacus spreadsheet can scale recipes well, but at the 1 gallon level, it gets a bit stressed to do so. you are going to have to do the experiment. The grains and the mash result will probably give you close to the expected Gravity Into Boil but the Original Gravity (OG) at the end of the boil might vary because of the effect of small scale. Ask questions when you have them, somebody here will get back to you.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8934 made 2 years ago
Hi All,

Reside near Coffs Harbour, NSW Australia. Been brewing for a few yrs but only pimped up kits with partial grain steeps etc added. Hope to transition to AG via BIAB. Can see the upside of AG but feel BIAB can keep brew days simple enough that it won't detract from the hobby. Stumbled across this site, as while I'm on a few other brewing forums this one is far and away the best for BIAB specifics.

Haven't actually given BIAB a go yet - want to try a few smaller efforts with my existing gear (20L pot) to try and also combo/partial with a bunch of unhopped LME I have onhand. Also looking to move away from fermenting larger (for me) brews of 25-30L in fermenter, down to 15-22L max in fermenter via moving to no-chill/cubes and actually fermenting directly in the cubes.

Have a temp controlled brew fridge and I bottle exclusively. I've felt my results have been mixed mainly as I strayed from established recipes. My work is limited to maintaining our rural property and doing all the housework etc, very lucky in that regard. Thanks in advance to all those who have put in the yard yards already in these forums, look forward to contributing in some small way. Thank you, Nick

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8936 made 2 years ago
1. Where are you from? North Carolina, United States
2. How did you stumble across the site? I joined this site before (but can’t remember my previous credentials!). I’m getting back into brewing after being away for 3-4 years. I remember this site being a great resource/community and especially the BIABabacus being a great tool.
3. What you think of it so far? I’m glad to be back!
4. Have you brewed at all before. If so, for how long and what method are you currently using? I’ve brewed several extract and partial mash batches. I’m sold on the BIAB method but have yet to use it. I am planning my first BIAB brew now – a Christmas ale.
5. Do you work? Are you retired or maybe you run a household? Yes, still working.

I'm looking forward to taking the next step of my brewing journey with BIAB and to interacting with all of you along the way.

-Scott (NCBrewMan)
    • Over 5 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8942 made 2 years ago
Welcome aboard Nathan and Kobus.

Nathan, is that really 150L?? "Being BIAB for 3 years or more with 150L system,"
If so, you can teach us lots of things. like, How does one lift that bag? Otherwise, we can still learn from one another at just about any time. Ask questions and post something new that you find interesting.

Kobus, there is lots of good information for you on this forum. The excel spreadsheet called BIABacus, can be used in Libre Office (remember to save the file with .xls at the end of the filename). It will eventually help you see how everything works together in building a recipe. will help you get familiar with terminology used here for clear communications.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8945 made 2 years ago
Bienvenue, Gary from France and welcome to David from Lancashire, England.
Have a look around the site and ask questions if you have them
As always, the excel spreadsheet called BIABacus, can be used in Excels well as Libre Office (remember to save the file with .xls at the end of the filename). It will eventually help you see how everything works ...
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8946 made 2 years ago
Hello from Kansas City, Missouri, USA. I'm finally putting the finishing touches on my 15g (70l) recirculating e-BIAB kettle. I've been brewing since around 2004 and after mashing in coolers, lots of propane, and most recently using an all-in-one (Brewer's Edge M&B) for the last couple years, I think I've finally reached where I want to be with my system. It's been a long road to get here but very happy to finally be working with a system that does what I want it to! Cheers!!
    • SVA Brewer With Over 20 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8947 made 2 years ago
Hello @kcrkitek ,

Welcome to the forum. Let us know if you have any questions. You do a version of BIAB (recirculating wort) that most of us don’t do, but I’m sure you can make excellent beer doing it that way. And probably increase efficiency a tad higher over we get with traditional BIAB.

Let us know how it goes. And again, welcome to the forum!

    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8948 made 2 years ago
Hey all,

Im Mark from Melbourne, Australia. I have been brewing now for just over a year; started off with extract tins, a couple fresh wort kits, and am now getting practiced with BIAB.
Currently doing lots of "micro brews" (1 gallon batches in a stock pot, then fermented in glass demijohns) attempting to emulate some of my favourite craft brews and develop my skills. Have notched up 9 BIAB brews and am bottling for now, but may move on to kegging in the next year.
Also currently studying wine production at university, so this is an interesting hobby to apply some of the basic wet chemistry skills I've learnt thus far.

    • SVA Brewer With Over 5 Brews From Australia

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8949 made 2 years ago
Hi All,
I'm Ben from Pennsylvania, USA. I'm brewing at home for 5 years now, started with 3V and moved to BIAB after 5 batches.
I started with 1G batches, most of them SMASH, in order to acquire the tastes' of different malts, hops and yeasts.
currently I'm doing 3G batches using a 10G Ss brew kettle, although I have a keezer, I'm still bottling most of my brews.
I enjoy a lot the BIAB, i was able to improve my efficacy to above 80% and still keep it as a hobby.
like all homebrewers, learning something new with every batch, and I hope to keep it this way!

    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8950 made 2 years ago
I’m someone who absolutely loves drinking beer, and now I absolutely love brewing beer. My dog is my “lab assistant.” I’m currently on my third-ever brew (a Citra pale ale) and I stumbled upon this site trying to figure out why I’m not hitting my OG with my BIAB setup. I love researching beer stuff a little too much. Hoping the forum and various tools here will lend a hand. Looking forward to improving my method! :peace:
    • SVA Brewer With Under 5 Brews From United States of America

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