Hallertau Family of hops

Post #1 made 7 years ago
I am in the time of year I like to make light Lagers, it is hot around here in summer so I like to be prepared.
One of my favorite hops for this style is Mount Hood, however it seems this year that the AAU percentage of the Mount Hood hops I have seen are notoriously low, down in the 2.2% range.
That can rack up fast when using them for bittering.
Being a member of the Hallertau family I see that this years crystal has a Higher AAU% but then I have really never used Crystal before and have little to compare them with.
So I pop in here asking for some comparisons of hops in the Hallertau family.
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    • MVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Re: Hallertau Family of hops

Post #3 made 7 years ago
Lots of great hops... And I always keep sessionable lagers on tap, around 5.0% ABV.

For actual German hops, I recently brewed a SMaSH beer with 100% Pelton Malt (Mecca Grade is the malter) and 100% Hallertau Tradition Hops (aka German Tradition). Regular Hallertau MF is good but often lower AA as well. And German Tettnanger (not US Tettnanger, which is rumored to possibly be Fuggles, or to somehow have taken on Fuggles characteristics). Still lagering the Pilsner with Tradition, but the flavor was really very good... Of course Saaz, or Czech Saaz, is a very nice Hop.

Magnum is great for bittering, very clean and higher AA. Use it for bittering, in conjunction with with a lower AA variety for flavor hops.

US Noble (or noble-like) Varieties:
- Santiam: Really like Santiam in flavor additions...more so than as bittering additions. Fabulous aroma! Could always use with Magnum for bittering... Oregon grown Santiam hop is incredible. I have some Washington grown Santiam hops in the freezer now and hopefully they are good too... Terroir exists in Hop production too. Santiam maybe resembles German Tettnanger a little more than German Hallertau. Great hop!
- Liberty: I really like Liberty as well. More similar to German Hallertau. Great hop. Won a best of show (German Pils) with it.
- Crystal: I haven't brewed with it yet but have drank plenty of beers with it. Supposed to be in the same mold, like Liberty, Mt Hood and Ultra. To me it seems a little bit more boisterous than Liberty, but I can't say for certain without more evaluation.
- Ultra is supposed to be great according to one of my local Brewers. Finding a source for it may be challenging.
- Sterling: This one is supposed to match up with Czech Saaz. To me kind of - kind of not. Similar to Santiam, and to Saaz and German Tettnanger but a little different... It has a slight Citrus flavor, which I've welcomed in some beers and certain ones not. Best beer made with Sterling, used it for bittering and some flavor additions but more Saaz than Sterling for flavor additions. That brew didn't really notice Citrus.
- Mt Hood you already know... Nice hop. Can use it throughout the process.

Indie Hops has great info on some of the US bred noble varieties:

Hope this helps.
Last edited by Scott on 05 May 2017, 23:53, edited 1 time in total.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: Hallertau Family of hops

Post #4 made 7 years ago
thanks Mad, thanks Scott

both great answers.

Scott I do my light continental lagers with Mt Hood and Saaz, it makes a great combo, I have tried crystal but did not see it at my LHBS this week when I was in there stocking up on a few supplies.
I did see liberty in there

my problem here where I live is getting whole hops that I like. Used to brew with a guy who insisted that all finishing hops be whole and he used them to filter the wort from the kettle. I have gotten away from thet but since I retired I want to go back to a few techniques I used before and finding finishing hops whole will be one of my next endeavors. I figure if I have to buy bulk I can vacuum bag them.

Anyway thanks for the post and the link guys, it really helped.
Temperance is for those who cannot hold their liquor :drink: :drink:
    • MVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Re: Hallertau Family of hops

Post #5 made 7 years ago
I am probably at least 60/40 Lager to Ale. Maybe closer to 70/30 actually... Sounds like you are very similar... And similarly, I prefer flower to pellets provided its high quality. "Just seems more natural", as one of my local pro brewers in Albany, Oregon says.

IndieHops and Crosby both use a Type 90 (?) Pellet process with lower temperature in the process that produces a softer pellet and supposed to keep more oils in and a higher quality hop pellet product. Haven't brewed with their pellets yet but supposedly they are better... (Both companies have excellent hop flower products as well, that I have used).

Hallertau Magnum would be great to replace Mt. Hood used for bittering. That's where it excels. And don't be afraid to experiment with some of those other US based flavor hops to replace your Saaz...at least on some batches. Will be likewise very good but some different. Heck, might find some new "go to" varieties. I've been known to often have two varieties of Pilsner on tap... ;) Nice to have you on the forum! :thumbs:
Last edited by Scott on 07 May 2017, 01:06, edited 1 time in total.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: Hallertau Family of hops

Post #6 made 7 years ago
Thanks Scott

I am glad to be here also
I am going give Magnum a try, I never knew it was the same family as MT hood
I envy you living so close to where so much hops are grown, Living in South CA. very near the AZ border, even thinking of growing hops here is pure ludicrous. so I have to order out. MY local HBS is MoreBeer in Riverside, and that is 120 miles from me. So you can see my selection of fresh whole hops s not great, I think that is why I have kept to so few types, If I order them I do not want to waste them.
I am going order more fresh Saaz from Washington state in a few days, will seek out some Magnum
Temperance is for those who cannot hold their liquor :drink: :drink:
    • MVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

An update

Post #7 made 7 years ago
found a supply of mount hood pellets at 7.3
found some Chinock leaf that is fresh when I opened the bag.
I also got on the list for fresh mount hood flowers dried and sealed in 1 ounce bags at a very good price, if I buy a pound or more, that is alright as this and chec saaz are 2 of my favorite hops for lagers
besides that, I also have preordered some Willamette and Fuggles for my ales.
I think my hops selection will be up to date come fall, as it is summer I am doing lagers left and right but cannot wait till september to crack my Oktoberfest I started in March or get to brewing some ESBs.

edited for spelling, 3 of the new pilsner had my fingers wandering
Last edited by Jamato on 19 Jun 2017, 04:01, edited 1 time in total.
Temperance is for those who cannot hold their liquor :drink: :drink:
    • MVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Re: Hallertau Family of hops

Post #9 made 7 years ago
I have a friend that does a Rauch that is out of this world
he has 2 rocks that are about 6 inches in diameter. he puts them on a charcoal fire and when the boil starts he puts one in, every ten minutes or so he switches them out till the end of the boil
that beer has a smoke taste that is so good and it has a great caramel taste from the rocks hitting the wort at an elevate temp. lightly hopped just to balance the taste.
You need to experiment with the process.
Temperance is for those who cannot hold their liquor :drink: :drink:
    • MVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America
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