Best Malz Wheat vs Weyermann Wheat

Post #1 made 13 years ago

Just came back from the LHBS, I needed to buy a sack of german wheat malt... problem was, the only Weyermann sack was not full, alternative was a Best Malz Wheat


Long story short, the best malz tasted boring, and the weyermann tasted more malty... Someone else in the store nailed it "this one is yummier..."

Yep, Weyermann is yummier than Best...

So, after a little bit of negotiation... half a sack of weyermann at half the full sack price ;)

Always use the yummyiest grain ;)
Fermenting: -
Cubed: -
Stirplate: -
On Tap: NS Summer Ale III (WY1272), Landlord III (WY1469), Fighter's 70/- II (WY1272), Roast Porter (WY1028), Cider, Soda
Next: Munich Helles III


Post #2 made 13 years ago
thanks for the info.
Best Malz will be starting local distribution next month. i will watch out for that wheat malt.
fermenter: Sourdough Spelt Ale, Classic Lambic, Oud Brune, Barrel Aged Belgian Dubbel
Kegs: Bob's Black IPA, Blanc Blond, Soda...
to be brewed:
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