recommendation for recipe books

Post #1 made 7 years ago
not sure if this is the right place to put this topic, so please move it if you think it ought to be elsewhere.

I was after recommendations for a book of recipes. I've got the Graham Wheeler book already, which is great, but it does tend to focus on classic british styles. Can anyone recommend a book with viable recipes for some of the more exotic or modern styles? eg wheat beer, saison, lagers etc.


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Re: recommendation for recipe books

Post #2 made 7 years ago
One of my early influences in brewing was a book that has been updated called Clone Brews. It has a lot of beers from around the world in a lot of styles. He also has a few charts that are helpful. Biggest part of this book I liked was the recipes are in extract, minimash and all grain.
I moved on from that book and bought a few books on styles of beer I like, One was just about Marzens, one on Pale Ales, etc.
After that I crossed referenced the information I was getting about individual styles with that same first book and noticed that knowing a style makes recognizing a good recipe easy.
if you take 5 great pilsner recipes, there is not a lot of difference in base ingredients, The same would be with any Pale ale, or a Irish Red Ale.
Now there are the beers in each style that stand out for uniqueness that rip the last statement to pieces.
Brewing Classic styles is a well received book, I have enjoyed it. And I see, but have not read, there is a book that looks good called Modern Homebrew Recipes by Gordon Strong.
Temperance is for those who cannot hold their liquor :drink: :drink:
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