How Can Retailers Contribute to

Post #1 made 14 years ago
IMPORTANT: We would ask that both experienced and inexperienced forum users read the following fully before posting on

[center]How Can Retailers Contribute to[/center]

Retailers are an essential part of the brewing community. Many are well-intentioned, offer brilliant advice and are passionate about looking after us brewers. Some of them are so passionate they actually sometimes forget they are retailers!

If you are a retailer who is passionate about brewing, you should register in the normal manner using your business name. Once you have done this, please PM BIABrewer for further instructions.

What offers the Enthusiastic Retailer...

Firstly, we will set up a topic in your region and you can post to this topic under your trading name. Only one topic per retailer though.

Secondly, we will offer you a second account where you can act as a normal forum member if you so choose. The account name you choose should not have any link to your trading name, first name, surname etc. It should be ambiguous. When you post under that name, it should be done purely in the spirit of service. You will need to advise us of that name. All administrative members will know your identity and review your use of it regularly. I'm sure it will be hard to curb your enthusiasm for some products or deals but that's the way it is.

Thirdly, offers retailers a very good name. If you have been on for some time, members can be assured that they can trust you and be looked after by you.

A Few Things Not to Do.

Retailers must never place pressure on any member of this site to mention or support them.

Your accounts should not be used to promote your business or to take away from another retailer's business. (You can PM BIABrewer if you feel another retailer's offer is something that is inappropriate or misleading.)

The best retailers will have no problem understanding and contributing to in the manner explained above.

Financial Contributions

Like any other member, retailers are expected to contribute financially to this site as much as they see fit. Continued use of what we offer a retailer without their regular financial support would not be considered in the spirit of If it becomes necessary to limit the number of retailers in each region, your financial contributions to the site might be a deciding factor in some cases.

It is the intention of to wholesale BIAB bags to retailers. This will ensure both brewers and retailers have access to a supply of high quality bags of varying sizes. When this occurs, it will hopefully make retailer financial contributions as specified in the above paragraph unnecessary.

Thanking you in advance for being of service to us all,

IMPORTANT: We would ask that both experienced and inexperienced forum users read the above fully before posting on
Last edited by BIABrewer on 23 Mar 2010, 02:03, edited 11 times in total.

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