Chilling in the fermenter

Post #1 made 9 years ago
Just brewed a biab Schwartz beer 2 days ago and I was talking with my friend who also homebrews.

After flameout he leaves it for a bit then swirls to get the trub in the centre then siphons the still hot wort into the fermenter and only then uses a spiral cooler to get the temperature down to pitching temperature.

Sounds like a good idea to me as the near boiling wort should sterilise the syphon tube and the fermenter reducing the risk of infection.

I'd be pleased to hear your opinions.


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    • SVA Brewer With Over 5 Brews From New Zealand

Post #2 made 9 years ago
Hi Jube,

i do this the same way. Turn off heat, let it cool a bit to minimize turbulence and then whirpool. After whirpool i wait some minutes to drop the trub which will accumulate in the middle of the kettle due to the whirpooleffect. The transfer the still hot wort to my fermentor. Works fine, though i let it cool overnight most of the time.

Post #4 made 9 years ago
I had a look over them, thanks. It seems that using a spiral to cool in the fermenter is a halfway step to no chill.

In Hungary I can't find suitable cubes for no chill.

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    • SVA Brewer With Over 5 Brews From New Zealand

Post #5 made 9 years ago
Jube, If your Not in a Hurry....

Cover the Hot Kettle with a Towel and some Bulldog Clips or Spring type Clothes Pins and let it sit for 5-6 hours to air Cool.

You can slowly pour/Siphon the Cooled wort thru a funnel, and a Strainer, if you have one, to collect most of the Trub.

Then, you can stir wildly to aerate the Wort and Pitch the Yeast.

You cab safely leave the Wort in the Kettle overnight, and never need a Cube.
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    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Post #6 made 9 years ago
joshua wrote: You cab safely leave the Wort in the Kettle overnight, and never need a Cube.
this is pretty much my go to method now although I pump the hot wort to the fermenter to cool over night. I was sceptical the first time and worried but no issues. Next morning I aerated and pitched my yeast. Good to hook
Last edited by Bellybuster on 04 Aug 2015, 05:44, edited 1 time in total.

Post #10 made 9 years ago
Thanks for all your answers. Just out of interest, how and how much do you aerate the wort before pitching?

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    • SVA Brewer With Over 5 Brews From New Zealand

Post #12 made 9 years ago
Despite my positive expierience with filling the wort into the fermenter after boil is finished, i´m going to try this cube no-chill method. The storage factor seems very interesting to me.

When the wort is coold in the cube, is it an accuarte aerating to let it splash into the fermenterbucket?

Until now i was stirring the wort with a whisker for some minutes. My old (aquarium-) pump with a sterilfilter is pretty much cleaning work, so this thing is getting dusty.
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