I Have Never Brewed Before!

Post #1 made 14 years ago
IMPORTANT: We would ask that both experienced and inexperienced forum users read the following fully before posting on BIABrewer.info

If you have never brewed a beer before but are excited to become a part of such a guild, then you should start posting in the Kit and Fresh Wort Kit Brewing section of the site. We will get you under way there.

BIABrewer.info recommends...

1. That you join a brewing forum in your region so as you can get advice from brewers, "next door," and stay informed of what is happening locally to you. Regional brewing forums are the best way to get to know local brewers. Communing with brewers local to you opens up possibilities that cannot happen online - [EDNOTE: Use Calibration articles as an example and link once published.]

2. That, if possible, while more expensive, you brew Fresh Wort Kits (FWK's) as they are the easiest beers to brew and, in all but the rarest cases, will give you a high quality beer. After you have brewed several FWK's you may choose to start brewing all-grain (AG) beers such as BIAB. You may even never even feel the need to explore AG. If you do choose to try AG, it is not necessary to try, "kits," and, "extract," brewing though you may choose to do so.

3. Feel free to check any information you like in the General Brewing Skills area of BIABrewer.info. Just explain that you are an inexperienced brewer seeking some help. You will get looked after.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Guild ;)

IMPORTANT: We would ask that both experienced and inexperienced forum users read the above fully before posting on BIABrewer.info
Last edited by BIABrewer on 22 Mar 2010, 23:00, edited 11 times in total.

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