Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8876 made 3 years ago
Hello, bidalo, and welcome to the forum.
Your enthusiasm and ambition are admirable. Let us know how the Belgian turns out - in about 6 weeks when it has mellowed out. The hardest part of brewing beer is the waiting. Drink a bottle sooner than two weeks after bottling has always made me think that I wasted that one compared to 4 weeks out. Of course, this may not apply to those who ferment using Kveik yeasts
Ask questions when you have them ans someone will get back to you.

Hey, jtmcdermott welcome to the forum (and Connecticut, too, as that's my home - see my pic next to this post).
Your machinist skills will make your set-up for brewing something special but it doesn't have to be complicated when using BIAB. Get the process down before adding stuff you may choose to remove later. I have a tap on my kettle, but read some posts in this forum from years ago that recommended going without - you get to decide things like that. With your HR experience, perhaps you will find that yeasts are like employees. They will do the job you want if you treat them well enough.

Brew on.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8879 made 3 years ago
glad to join the BIAB community.
I am German brewing novice - have done last year my first all grain brew (27 l Batch Klosterbräu - classical german brewing) - due to my limited apartment size here in Finland I am very interested to try BIAB. I purchased a 15 L kettle and plan for MINI-BIAB either on the stove top or on a separate induction plate. Looking forward! Hope the rest of the family can tolerate the the smell and humidity of the 60 min hop boiling, if worst comes to worse I need to move to the terrace and brew there.
- Stefan

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8882 made 3 years ago
Hi everyone,

Im Tony from Portugal but based in the UK. This is my first registration in a forum about home-brewing although i have been reading them for the last couple 6 months...
I stumbled across the BIABBrewer looking for some answers about the BIAB process.
I'm going into my half year of brewing (6 brews - 4 extract and 2 full volume BIAB, no-sparge) and so far its been all good with exception to one brew (the 2nd BIAB) where i failed my OG by 7 gravity points. Im now planning the 3rd BIAB (7th brew overall).
I've been using a combination of PricelessBrewing and BrewersFriend to plan and carry out my brew sessions. Im now adding BIABacus to this suite to confirm/research the values i get from them all.
I do work full time but i got to say... this is slowly taking over my mindset out of work all the time.

I do have questions around my 'failed' BIAB batch and the batch volumes i can do with BIAB in my setup, mainly around introducing sparging to my process: can i achieve more batch volume? the effect on pre-boil gravity and post-boil OG, etc.... but i'm going to study a bit more/brew a bit more before i post those doubts in this forum.

    • SVA Brewer With Over 5 Brews From Portugal

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8884 made 3 years ago
Hi all.
I'm John from Epsom, Surrey in England.
Was a beer kit brewer 40 years ago and - in this present pandemic - am returning to homebrew. So I'm very much a beginner.
I found out about this site in a reference to BIABCUS in another forum.
Looking forward to learning a lot here - and hopefully also chipping in with something now and again.

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8887 made 3 years ago
@grainbrother & @tonysbrewery Welcome to both of you! There is a great community here all willing to help you along the way when questions arise. I recommend you to start with the basics of biab, viewtopic.php?f=25&t=194, and have a look over the BIABacus calculator, viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1869. It will also be worth your while to take a look at the Clear Brewing Terminology page viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2685. Let us know your questions, and happy brewing.

& @tonysbrewery As for your gravity questions, we'll probably need more info about your process & the kind of beer (I.e. high gravity) you were brewing. If you haven't seen the clear brewing terminology page linked above it may also help clear up some of the things you're seeing in BIABacus that could point to things to watch out for. In general I've noticed in my system higher gravity beers result in lower efficiencies. But again without knowing your process its hard to speculate what the issue could be.
Last edited by Am33106 on 30 Nov 2020, 06:10, edited 1 time in total.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 20 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8891 made 3 years ago
Hi Jerry / @makfrag

Welcome to the forum!

The best way to determine your max brew size is to fill out the BIABacus file (Excel spreadsheet) we have and put the inputs of the beer you want to brew along with diameter and inside height of your kettle.

The entire procedure...? We should have that in the beginner section somewhere. Let me know if you can’t find it and I will look. The BIABacus file is one of the posts (very helpful) and also the post on Clear Brewing Terminology page will be very helpful to connect the dots.

Look around the site. There is much information, questions asked and answered. And if after looking can’t find answer, make a post in the appropriate section and ask the question. One of us will be along to help.
Last edited by Scott on 04 Dec 2020, 22:06, edited 1 time in total.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8894 made 3 years ago
Hi everyone,
I'm Alican from Istanbul, Turkey. I'm really excited to be a part of this great community of baggers! I brewed two all-grain batches so far, just on the way for the third and I've found this site. I believe there's lot for me to learn here.
I'm only brewing in small batches on stove-top. I guess it's easier, requires less space and it'll let me brew more batches, so I can get more experience and more kinds of beers!
I'm working as a Software Tester. But to be honest, I'm planning to improve my brewing skills and open a brewpub in the long run.
    • SVA Brewer With Under 5 Brews From Turkey

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8896 made 3 years ago
Hey everyone,

After spending years drinking lots of different beers I've decided now is the time for me to try my hand at making it! I've got all the equipment I need to start doing small batches (33l kettle) in my garage. I stumbled on this site looking for BIAB recipes and will be looking around for tips, advice and good beer recipes. I'm playing with the BIABacus spreadsheet at the moment which looks like a vital piece of kit for tuning recipes for my setup.

I'm in Scotland btw!


Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8897 made 3 years ago
Welcome Alican from Istanbul, Turkey, and mdorland from North Carolina, USA, and alanwbrown from Scotland in the UK.

The forum has tons of information regarding BIAB and the BIABacus to help you get to beer at the scale of your choice. You can search topics and ask questions, too. There are not as many recipes here as at other sites, but you can put those recipes into the BIABacus to fit your own equipment. Sometimes those recipes might lack a detail or two (that has been called a lack of 'integrity of the recipe' here) but you can brew with their ingredients and still get to beer.

90 min mash, 90 min boil and save the BIABacus file with the .xls filename extension appended.

I am waiting for the outdoor temperature to get above 4 ºC so I can improve 2020 by one more brew session.
Brew on!
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8898 made 3 years ago
Just a quick post to say hello and introduce myself... I'm Al and I'm in Scotland.

I've been brewing for almost 2 years after having been given a kit as a present. The kit was a small batch (5L/1G) All grain Brew In A Bag kit so AG BIAB is all I know. I'm probably up to about 15 brews now and I'm looking to upgrade to larger batch sizes.

I have 3 5L FV's (so I can have multiple batches on the go) & an old fridge I've converted to a fermentation chamber controlled by an InkBird.

I've just been given a 33L stockpot and a 25L fermentation bucket for Christmas so looking to gather the other things I need over the next wee while to be able to move upto 15L then, if I can, 23L batches.

I'll be looking to pick the brains of the more experienced among us to help with the transition and hopefully help others not make the same mistakes I do along the way!

Happy Brewing!
    • SVA Brewer With Over 5 Brews From Paraguay

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