My own recipe built around my own Chinook hops

Post #1 made 3 years ago
Hello all. I've been away for a couple of years(!) though not completely idle. I've done a few brews from BCS, a couple of extract ones, one Pilsner as my neighbor went away and said I could use her fridge... I haven't really sparged yet; specialty grains in a bag with the extract brews.

I planted hops here in Central Virginia a couple of years ago. The Chinook hops have done well, and I currently have 8 oz. dried wrapped up in my freezer. The lighter hops did not survive..

I'd like to build a beer around the Chinook hops, but I know that they are principally used as a bittering hop. I figure, I grew them, they're mine, I should make my own formula.

I figured something between an American IPA and an Amber, a little malty and a bit sweet to match the Chinook bitterness, strong enough to handle the resin taste character, and probably a fragrant finishing hop at flame out and maybe dry hopping or FWH.

I looked at a couple of formulas/recipes. (I'm a baker, and we talk in terms of formulas not recipes, so that's why). One is an Amber from BCS, one is an ale using Chinook from Stephen Snyder's old book. Both are in the direction that I'm thinking, and I've been smooshing it all around trying to get a plan.

I entered some preliminary data into the Biabacus, which I will attach correctly I hope. If anyone wants to take a look at it and send feedback I would be appreciative. I do full batch boils on a propane stove most of the time, and use a coil immersion cooler.
Thanks! --Another Brian
Last edited by Another Brian on 27 Feb 2021, 02:20, edited 1 time in total.
    • SVA Brewer With Under 5 Brews From United States of America
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