Hellenichomebrewers first brewing competition

Post #1 made 8 years ago
Here in Greece we managed to create our association and among other events we made our first competition. This was a cooperation with a local brewery which will brew the wining recipe. The judges where from Greek national technical institute of brewing department a bjcp member and homebrewers the style was smoked ale.
There were 49 entries we had great time and learned a lot.
Here is a small video.
My entry got 91 points of 150 and most of the entries were above average and 95% were biab brewers.

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    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Greece

Post #2 made 8 years ago
Well done Nik!

Pity I couldnt understand what everybody was saying though.
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Post #3 made 8 years ago
Good on ya, Nik! Who was the winner and what did he brew?

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Post #5 made 8 years ago
There was only one beer style dictated by the brewery and it was a hybrid style smoked beer and amber ale (less bitterness amber colour and smoked flavour) sounds easy but it was tricky so every body brew the same style.
Personaly I made a classic smoked beer with pils malt and lightly hopped with tettnager hops some caramel malt , munich and smoked malt and used us 05 .But I was a little overshoot carbonation and lost probably points .Otherwise It was drinkable but the major problem was that I dont like smoked beers and I had quite a few bottles left so I am on the awkward position to consume them.

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Post #6 made 8 years ago
You've got a great community there nik :thumbs:.
mally wrote:Well done Nik!

Pity I couldnt understand what everybody was saying though.
I watched it drunk and understood everything; well, I think I did, honestly can't remember now :).
nik wrote:I dont like smoked beers and I had quite a few bottles left so I am on the awkward position to consume them.
Get Kostas around, he'll drink anything!
Last edited by PistolPatch on 04 Mar 2016, 17:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Post #7 made 8 years ago
I wish I could somehow to embed subtitles on the video but I am not familiar with that stuff. There weren't said something important as it were random parts of the event montaged together. The speach parts referred to the winners and generall comments about the Greek homebrewing scene.

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    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Greece

Post #8 made 8 years ago
Bottom line is that we trying to get Greek homebrewers involved.
We have so far arrange an off flavor seminar, some brewdays and several meetings and we hope to gather all Greek homebrewers under our association in order to accomplish more interesting events for the community.

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    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Greece
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