The Home brew festival - UK - 2015

Post #1 made 10 years ago
Some UK brewers, or even Europe, may be interested in a the home brew festival being organised for next summer. The main idea is a social weekend we we can sample each others beers and wines. There is also a competition judged by accredited judges who will give honest feed back on your beer. Possible lectures and other events are also being planned. This event is independent of any forum or other organisation. Here is the website.

Post #3 made 10 years ago
Hi Yeasty

I've signed up for this as I went to the homebrew weekend earlier this year and had a brilliant time! Even the other half enjoyed it.
I would highly recommend going.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Great Britain

Post #4 made 10 years ago
I was also went to the one earlier this year and it was fantastic! and as above the girlfriend loved it too!

I'm a paid up member for next year should be exciting as it will be a larger event this time!
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