Adjusting for pellets in a bag?

Post #1 made 10 years ago
So I'm gonna brew the "All Amarillo APA" with Cascade pellets. I tried to calculate new amounts in grams considering the slightly different AA's, and I think I got that about right, but does the BIABicus have pellets or flowers as default, as should I adjust for that? And what about using a hop bag, is there adjusting there too?

"The rules for making hop additions during the boil are about as well defined as those for a knife fight." -Stan Hieronymus

Post #2 made 10 years ago
If you look at section D "the hop bill", under the heading "name, form, & method".
you enter the detail of the hop first (name), the next litle box is type (pellet, flower, plug), the little box next to that is for the method, boiled, first wort hopped, or dry hopped.

The info for this & their relative default settings are at the bottom of the table (still within section D).

The hop bag and whether you use pellets or flowers will not affect the hop utilisation calculation (AFAIK). However, it will affect your kettle to fermenter loss calculation (which also affects a lot of other calculations), so if you do use one, make sure you put a Y in the hopsock (Y/N) field section G "chilling & hop management methods".
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Post #3 made 10 years ago
OK, thanks. I'm using the All Amarillo APA- recipe and it doesn't seem to have any of the "options" listed (except the sock), so I'll just go with pellets. Thanks.
"The rules for making hop additions during the boil are about as well defined as those for a knife fight." -Stan Hieronymus

Post #4 made 10 years ago
Which version of BIABacus are you using?

If you look at the title it has a PR (pre-release) then version number 1.3, then revision letter (either K or T is recommended).

Follow the links I posted up here, for the latest.
Last edited by mally on 06 Aug 2014, 14:56, edited 1 time in total.
I spent lots of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I squandered
I've stopped drinking, but only when I'm asleep
I ONCE gave up women and alcohol - it was the worst 20 minutes of my life
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Great Britain

Post #5 made 10 years ago
Sort on time onk but here is a pic...
Hopefully that shows how pellets are the default and how to vary from that.

Your topic title also mentions, " a bag." There is no adjustment for that. I know you might have read that somewhere else but ignore that advice. Any hop bag or 'sock' that is properly designed (such as your BIAB bag) will not limit your hop utilisation.
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Last edited by PistolPatch on 06 Aug 2014, 21:24, edited 1 time in total.
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