British Columbia

Post #1 made 10 years ago
How can there be no BC topic?!
Is everyone in the province smoking instead of drinking delicious beer :)?

I'm from Vancouver Island (Victoria) and would love to hear from anyone else nearby re: Homebrew clubs, great stores, websites with good shipping etc...

British Columbia

Post #2 made 10 years ago
Still all alone in BC? I think there's maybe too many good breweries. Phillips, Howe sound, Nelson, Granville nobody needs to brew. Maybe we can work out a trade?..?

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    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Canada

Re: British Columbia

Post #5 made 7 years ago
BIAB Brewing in Maple Ridge!
So far I've got 9 batches brewed, looking to knock out 2 more on my days off. I really like the BIAB method. Helps keep the equipment list to an affordable level.
If the problem can't be solved with the first round, have another beer.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From Canada
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