I finally decided it was time to start controlling the water aspect of my brewing, especially as I felt a had the other main factors under control. Decided to go the route of RO water (from my local Wholefoods), and calcium chloride, gypsum and acidulated malt from the LHBS (yea, I finally have one!). Using the Bru'n Water calculator, TDS-EZ METER and Duotest pH strips.
I have brewed Dr Smurto's Golden Ale (a Superbowl party success story) and the BCS California Common. These beers are markedly improved over my previous efforts. Very smooth and clean tasting, which was the next plateau I was hoping to reach.
After all my reading, it is actually remarkably easy to work with brewing water. I did read Palmer's Water, which reminded me that I sucked at chemistry in high school and university. Anyway, a satisfying result so cheers!
Using RO Water - The results are delicious
Post #1 made 9 years ago
- SVA Brewer With Over 20 Brews From United States of America