Philippines Homebrewing

Post #1 made 13 years ago posts in all of Asia sections.. Why am I not surprised. Ok Hi..Im Ed aka baltoed here. Im located in Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines. And as far as I can tell I am the only BIAB <newbie> that exists here. If you are from the Phils let me know!

Actually because I could find no one doing homebrew in any way,shape or form. it led me to creating my own website in hopes of finding any of like mind. I hope its ok to post that URL here and if its not ok then it will not appear on the next line..*LOL*

So if your in the Philippines and want to homebrew or want to help us guys in the Philippines please feel free to join us there. Oh..let me know your coming by a email here. I get about 30-40 spammers signing up a day so I have gone to completely ignoring requests til I find a better way :headhit:

So join the few..


Post #2 made 13 years ago
Hi there baltoed,

There is no problem having the link here at all. Hope you find some more fellow BIAB brewers here.

I'll send you a PM regarding solving the spam problem. We had the same thing here for a while.

Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Post #4 made 12 years ago
Just read about the storm on Mindanao island Ed. Sorry to hear about this and just hope it hasn't caused you, personally, any physical damage.

If you have found the above or anything else of value on, consider supporting us by getting some BIPs!
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Australia

Post #6 made 12 years ago
Thanks for letting us know Ed. You're the only member we know of in the 'Phils' so we have to keep an extra special eye on you I reckon. Hope all your friends on are okay as well.
If you have found the above or anything else of value on, consider supporting us by getting some BIPs!
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Australia

Post #8 made 9 years ago
Yo, I am in Singapore here. Have made two BIAB brews so far, using Biabacus. A christmas brown ale (based on Pyramid Snow Cap) and a blonde IPA that is as good as any commercial IPA I have ever had.

You can probably get good parts from aliexpress. There is a homebrew parts vendor who stocks stuff that you will find at retail HBS for more than double. I am sure they ship to Philippines.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 20 Brews From Denmark
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