Polish Hop Varieties

Post #1 made 11 years ago
due to being Polish and a brewer I've managed to acquire several varieties of Polish hop varieties which are completely unavailable in Australia. A relative recently visited Poland and I got her to bring me back about 4.5kg of hop pellets (900g each of 5 varieties). This is too much for me to use by myself, so have since sold 3kg (600g of 5 varieities). So I still have 300g x 5 varieties of hops for my own use I can still sell possibly 100g of each variety.

so Polish hop varieities i have:
* 100g Lomik T90 pellets (3.9% AA, 2011)
* 100g Lubelski T90 pellets (4.4% AA, 2011)
* 100g Sybilla T90 pellets (6.2% AA, 2011)
* 100g Marynka T90 pellets (9.0% AA, 2011)
* 100g Iunga T90 pellets (11.1% AA, 2011)
Polish Home-BIAB-Brews (Piwo Domowe!)
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