Post #53 made 13 years ago
Has it ever been considered to make a BIAB app for iphone/android???

I would make it if I could but I'm not savvy enough. I would graciously pay to get it for quick reference and it could help pay for the site to keep all the awesome stuff here...

It would mean I don't have to always have a laptop for my brew days too.

not to mention, it would attract more traffic if it had reference to this site.

Post #55 made 13 years ago
There is one feature I like in a work related forum.
In the search area I can search by location,ie:Texas,East Lothian,Socal,Alberta etc.It is nice to be able to narrow down some of our neighbors in the forums.

Post #56 made 13 years ago
I hope I'm not speaking out of place here or that this post is not unwelcome, but I think that the main improvement that could be made to the site would be one of attitude and management.

I hope this is taken in the right spirit and no offense is taken as none is meant, but this is perhaps the most OCD forum that I have ever been a part of.

I find there is a stiffness and a perceived need to order everything as if in a database, but forums and real life are not like this and should be allowed to grow organically.

This growth and flow is very much stifled here with notions of what belongs in what thread etc etc.

I have been a part of the mod team of one of the largest internet forums in the world, it is presently #52 with 24696255 posts and it was a lot more free and easy in the attitude to posting and where things belong.

The idea that a post is deleted when obsolete is offensive to me and I suspect to some users who have their posts deleted, I mean a certain amount of cleaning up etc is normal housecleaning, merging threads, moving stuff to relevant fora, but the idea of substantially changing content or moving stuff, or even as I have seen on occasion requesting that certain posts not be made or be made in another strange to say the least.

So whereby I risk offending I feel it needs to be said as after a recent incident I actually stayed away from here for a while as I felt it was too weird for me to patronise, I am sure I am not the only one who feels like this as I have discussed it with at least one other user who felt the same.

It's perhaps a harder change to make than the technical ones that have been suggested already here on this thread, but honestly LIGHTEN UP, that will improve the forum no end.

Eoin. My blog, If you like what you read post a comment on the blog comments section thanks, BIAB post coming soon.

Post #57 made 13 years ago

I am having trouble understanding your post Eoin so you might have to provide more info.

Very few posts have been deleted here. I'm guessing there would be less than 10 since we started and that's a year ago :shock:. Nearly all of these would have been posts by two brewers that posted incorrect information into definition threads. Having incorrect information in a thread that defines something is not a great idea for those seeking to gain quality information on a new subject. There is already a lot of misinformation about BIAB on the net so making sure corrects this is a high priority to us.

I'd guess that another 20 posts may have been edited in this time. Here we are talking about re-wording a subject title better, or deleting or re-writing a phrase that reads against the culture of the site. In these cases, the writer of the post will have not meant to be blunt or dismissive but it has read that way to at least one of the moderators who have then taken the time to re-write the post to remove the possible misinterpretation without removing the essence of the post. There are so few times this has been done that I remember the names as this is always noted in the Moderators forum. I know that we did this to you once where you came across as a little blunt. Doing that was a service not only to the forum but you as well.

We never tell anyone to move their post to another part of the forum. Sometimes we'll do it for them (maybe 5 times in total?) and this is only done when we see the person needs a bump to their thread or when we think it is of such value that we really should move it from the New Members section to a more defined section. In any case we have done this, we have always advised the original writer and they have been pleased.

The idea of deleting posts when obsolete is something we would like to do but haven't done yet. For example, certain administrative decisions might require a lot of input over a few weeks but become irrelevant after several weeks. I would like to see these threads being deleted so as the "Important Notices" forum does not become cluttered. We haven't done this yet though as we don't want to see enthusiastic members input being deleted.

I certainly don't think we need to lighten up. I think this forum is light and it is friendly and it does offer quality advice. We put a lot of time and thought into all this. And, we don't even reprimand people such as yourself who are retailing on the forum without following the forum guidelines for retailers :lol:. (You should have contacted us regarding your retail activities you naughty boy!)

So, my thinking, and those of the other administrators and moderators, is that things are going well here and that members are enjoying the forum. We could well be wrong. People can post here freely on this. Your post makes it sound as though any negative feedback gets deleted. It doesn't.

I think what we really need are more people to volunteer their time. Only two people have ever clicked on the Donate button so people putting some thinking into how we can make the site self-funding would be a great project that I'm sure that some members here might be able to work on. There are a lot of other interesting projects that simply need manpower. (PM us please!)

In the meantime, we have no desires to become the biggest forum in the brewing world. Mind you, we would like this forum to be the highest quality one :P.

Cheers and please let us know your thoughts on this,
Last edited by Pat on 26 Apr 2011, 21:52, edited 40 times in total.
Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Post #58 made 13 years ago
Lylo: I've been pondering your idea, and while it's pretty awesome, I'm not 100% sure how practical it is. A lot of the info/posts on the site are all general, brewing related posts which probably don't need to be split by location, and for the more local posts, we have specific forums set up to them. That being said, it might be an idea for a members search rather than a post search?

Eoin: I'm pretty much going to back up what Pat has said here. Having sat down with Pat to help create this forum from an idea he had many moons ago, the intention was to be a site that provided information on a particular style of brewing. Pats vision was basically to create a space on the web that provided up to date and correct information about BIAB, and I think this forum is doing just that. The original intention was to have an info site that had all the documents you find on these pages, and stuff like the calculator, as well as a forum on the side, but we decided it would be easier and people could get more "involved" if the 2 were combined. While I do agree that this place wouldn't suit the definition of what people would consider a "forum" in internet terms, I honestly don't think it needs to. I think comparing the running of this place to any other forum is a bit of a mistake. If we were aiming to make one of the largest forums on the internet, we'd allow talk about anything, but in reality we are a forum based on a very niche topic and we're quite proud of the quality and of the information you'll find within. Are we OCD? Probably. I think a lot of us have been on various forums on the internet long enough to see what can happen when things get off topic.
We are a forum in that people can come here to discuss BIAB and brewing in general. The information herein aims to be the best you'll find on the internet. We have rules, and we expect the quality of contribution to match that of the info that is already provided. If there's a situation that's being dealt with in a way you don't agree with, feel free to contact me or any of the mod staff. Just don't go comparing us to all the other forums out there ;)
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Australia

Post #59 made 13 years ago
I'm a new member to this forum, so take what I say with as many grains of salt as you wish. As such, though, I think I bring a different perspective. Personally, I applaud the Moderators' efforts to keep this niche forum on point. With the vast majority of forums, even the good ones, you need to wade through 95% noise to find the 5% content you are looking for. (The bad forums are 99.5% noise.) Sure, with some broad-topic forums the noise is the content, and that's fine if you're just looking for a place to chat. But I get the sense that this forum is less about "Hey, check out this pic of my cat in the mash tun. Lolz!" and more about "What to do if the seam gives out on your grain bag mid-mash". There are other great, more relaxed home brew forums out there if you're looking for a virtual bar to hang out. I would rather see this particular forum stay the course - heavy on useful content, make it easy to find, and have knowledgeable members at the ready to answer specific BIAB questions. Keep up the good work.
Last edited by wrench on 26 Apr 2011, 23:27, edited 40 times in total.

Post #60 made 13 years ago
I apologise if I gave the impression that feedback was being deleted or stifled, that was not the intent of my post.

I made the post with the best of intentions while being quite aware of the fact that it might offend, but felt I'd post it anyway in the spirit of the thread title.

Maybe I didn't read all the rules or didn't perceive what I was doing by offering beginners a cheap starter bag as being trading and in all fairness I haven't done a lot to push it here as I did see mention of you guys eventually doing your own bag, but apologies in any case and thanks for the leniency on that, mea culpa.

NME's post goes a way to addressing some of what I would perceive as odd or unusual, so if that was your design intent then fair enough and it explains the wish to conduct things almost in a database ordering type manner which I have perceived.

It is friendly, it is welcoming, apart from the very first activation post which is the first sign that things are not the same here as everywhere else. To be honest I hadn't even remembered that I had once been reprimanded for a post or that the content of said post was altered or a bit off but now that you mention it I remember something, I couldn't tell you what it was anymore, so I'm not bearing a grudge on that front in any way. I've seen some other things that just struck me as abnormal in the context of internet fora.

I suppose my comparison with other fora was just as a way of saying I've seen it done elsewhere differently and in mostly, broadly the same manner, this place is different.

No offense was meant, my opinion was polled by the thread starter, if the end up of this is that the place was designed this way, then obviously you wouldn't see my suggestions or criticisms as an improvement, so be it.

I'll make it my business when I am next able to make a donation to the site which is a great resource, I wouldn't direct so many people here otherwise.( I appreciate that you were not fishing for donations with your comments Pat, but none the less there was an important message and it was received)

Cheers, Eoin. My blog, If you like what you read post a comment on the blog comments section thanks, BIAB post coming soon.

Post #61 made 13 years ago
Private communications between me and two other regular and well respected users suggest that they very much feel the same with regard to the editing of posts, so I've not just imagined this guys. I'm not trying to open a major can of worms or start a revolution, I just hope you can take on board suggestions that the present style is making some people consider their patronage, so I hope you can take this for the forum improvement suggestion that it is.

I want as much as you do to be the highest quality source of BIAB information out there, but it's not all just about collating the information.

Eoin. My blog, If you like what you read post a comment on the blog comments section thanks, BIAB post coming soon.

Post #62 made 13 years ago
Bit rushed tonight Eoin but thanks for getting back to us.

Seriously, very few posts have ever been edited here, probably less than the figures I gave last night. Of these edits, I am battling to think of anyone that would have had more than two posts edited. In most cases, the person is contacted and advised of the edit.

One previously frequent poster did leave the site after disagreeing with our deleting the posts that contained incorrect information in the definition thread I mentioned. None of the moderators could understand this. Surely readers here would like BIABrewer threads to be clear and free of confusing or incorrect info?

I think it would be a good idea for you to encourage the two guys you are talking with to send us a PM explaining what they are worried about because myself and the other mods are pretty bewildered by this. We honestly can't think of any post that has been edited or deleted without a sensible or helpful reason.

Feel free to start a thread or poll on this if you want to - "Have you had a post edited, moved or deleted on" Add another few questions such as, "Do you think this was done unfairly?" and "Do you think this was sensible?" I think the results of this would show very few negative comments. For example, I don't think you would answer this negatively.

Now to more important matters. How much money are you going to send us? We need $2,000.

Last edited by Pat on 27 Apr 2011, 20:50, edited 40 times in total.
Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Post #63 made 13 years ago
Wrench, thanks for taking the time to post above. It's always great to get feedback from new members to make sure we are staying on track.

Much appreciated,
Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Post #64 made 12 years ago

Sorry if this has already been put up but is there a separate forum for site sponsors, shops, online retailers etc where they can advertise so noobs like me can be directed to a good company that won't rip me off. There's that many online shops and who's to know about the freshness or how they post their yeast or even if it's a good price. Maybe these businesses can contribute i.e. Donate, to the website to help operating costs. Maybe they can run specials for the members. Just sayin'.

There's only one thing better than a beer. And that's another one.

Post #65 made 12 years ago
I like the fact/science based format of this forum. I came to this site because I want to brew the best beer I can via BIAB. There are PLENTY of brewing sites and many ways to make beer. There is also plenty of misinformation and a multitude of posts stating this is the way I do it, when it does not work or could be better. When I decided to to move to all grain BIAB I read tons of conflicting information on several different forums. I know not every brewer cares about achieving the optimum in their brew process but I want to make the best beer I can, and this site is the source that has helped me achieve this. I have been on plenty of technical forums where users were given a talking to for spreading potentially dangerous technical information. I think users are correct to point out if something is wrong with information presented. Could be more relaxed? I already think it is relaxed, welcoming, and fun forum. Do I believe that "any means to make beer" information should be spread here? I hope not, because it would mean the loss of a valuable resource.

My humble opinion....

Post #66 made 12 years ago
I would like to see a way to rate the recipes we have on the site. Not so much one being better than another but rather if we liked the recipe or not.

Bottle Conditioning

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Post #67 made 12 years ago
Thank you rb and also to the others who have written here,

Rating recipes will be part of the BIABacus as things like this will be very simple to do there. Unfortunately, trying to do them here in a forum format is really difficult and time-consuming.

A lot of recipe sites have it so anyone can click on a recipe. With the BIABAcus, we can probably improve on that a bit. For example, one possibility could be that you can only 'Like' a recipe if you have actually brewed, fermented and tasted it. In other words, recipes would build up a rating on number of 'likes' per times brewed.

Something to think on :think:,
Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Post #68 made 12 years ago
That is exactly what I wanted to hear Pat. I think that will be great to have a rating system for recipes you have brewed in place. It will definitely help everyone.
It would be nice to have something similar to where you can rate a recipe with one to five stars. There rating are for the threads though.

Bottle Conditioning

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    • SVA Brewer With Over 20 Brews From United States of America

Post #69 made 11 years ago
Release BIABacus. Let the forum population decide whether or not certain features are useful, or whether or not certian things are applicable/easy to find/useful. Who cares if it's in a beta format, or if you're going to release a different version in a few weeks or months? Just put a disclaimer on it that any ruined batches of beer are the brewer's responsibility, and that if the user isn't sure about something, double check the output with another source. We're all big boys and girls and can decide for ourselves if a program meets our needs. We don't need you to define BOTH our needs AND the solution.

Any decent engineer will tell you that there is no such thing as a 100% solution. You seem to be trying to solve every issue and every concern a brewer might have. Aiming for a 100% solution is going to take 100% of time (aka, forever!). Give us something we can work with, and we'll tell you where the quirks are. Instead, all we see are promises of how in just a few more short weeks we're going to have access to the Shangri-La of brewing software suites.

I understand and appreciate the effort that has gone into development so far. Please don't take this comment as an insult or a slam. I am very interested in seeing the program and would very much like to give it a spin. I'm just tired of the promises of a masterpiece when all I want is paint-by-numbers. Give us beer, not perfection!

Post #70 made 11 years ago
Tjash wrote:Release BIABacus. Let the forum population decide whether or not certain features are useful, or whether or not certian things are applicable/easy to find/useful. Who cares if it's in a beta format, or if you're going to release a different version in a few weeks or months? Just put a disclaimer on it that any ruined batches of beer are the brewer's responsibility, and that if the user isn't sure about something, double check the output with another source. We're all big boys and girls and can decide for ourselves if a program meets our needs. We don't need you to define BOTH our needs AND the solution.

Any decent engineer will tell you that there is no such thing as a 100% solution. You seem to be trying to solve every issue and every concern a brewer might have. Aiming for a 100% solution is going to take 100% of time (aka, forever!). Give us something we can work with, and we'll tell you where the quirks are. Instead, all we see are promises of how in just a few more short weeks we're going to have access to the Shangri-La of brewing software suites.

I understand and appreciate the effort that has gone into development so far. Please don't take this comment as an insult or a slam. I am very interested in seeing the program and would very much like to give it a spin. I'm just tired of the promises of a masterpiece when all I want is paint-by-numbers. Give us beer, not perfection!
+1 000 000 :champ: :champ: :champ: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Last edited by lambert on 22 Sep 2012, 02:34, edited 40 times in total.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Swaziland

Post #72 made 11 years ago
Lylo wrote:Decent engineer? :think:
Not sure what you're saying, but I meant no offense, and was not implying that any engineers involved in the development of BIABacus are not good at what they do. Engineering is, at its most fundamental, fitting the square peg of theory and science into the round hole of reality. It is never a perfect fit. Most engineers learn this early in their careers. All engineers learn it eventually. That was all i meant by "decent engineer."

Am I frustrated at repeated promises of a miracle cure for BIAB brewers in need of good software? Obviously. But the OP asked what would improve the site, and my simple answer is: release BIABacus.
Last edited by Tjash on 22 Sep 2012, 10:04, edited 41 times in total.

Post #73 made 11 years ago
Sorry Tjash, As you hang out here you will find that I offer very little to the site except my boyish charm and biting wit! :roll:
I meant nothing other than a quick barb to my many engineer/plumber friends.
I agree with you completely on the release issue.
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