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Re: Comeback?

Due to the quiet around here I started reading other forums (Sacrilege!) and found they are OK, but different. I recommended this site to participants elsewhere when it came back up, but can't tell if it has resulted in useful traffic. I will try to make it viable again, but cannot do it alone. I st...

Re: Glad the forum is back up - Salty Liquorice Milk Stout

Wow, that's some recipe. I have strayed somewhat from Reinheitsgebot but not as far as you. True salty licorice is an acquired taste. I had some in Amsterdam and a Dutch relative can get the good stuff, but most of what is available in U.S. stores is crap by comparison. I think the Salty Liquorice M...


Can we get a comeback going here? Since Patrick passed, things have been very sleepy. This site has so much good info that it would be a shame for it to fade away.
Pass the word that BIABrewer can be of great help.

Re: BIABacus Pre-Release - Your First Impressions

As always on liquids your mileage may vary some. Also, grind will change the absorption rate. Always try to grind the same setting for consistancy. Boil rate will change if you use a propane burner also. As far as "To squeeze or not to squeeze , that is the question" I personally have never had off...

Re: BIABacus Pre-Release - Your First Impressions

Check Mally's reply above in this thread. Keep the separate terms separated. The mash volume includes both the grist and the water. The relative amounts can vary depending on the mix of grains, but the BIABACUS gets pretty close. True that 500 mL of liquid seems a small amount retained in the lifted...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Bienvenue, Gary from France and welcome to David from Lancashire, England. Have a look around the site and ask questions if you have them As always, the excel spreadsheet called BIABacus, can be used in Excels well as Libre Office (remember to save the...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Welcome aboard Nathan and Kobus. Nathan, is that really 150L?? "Being BIAB for 3 years or more with 150L system," If so, you can teach us lots of things. like, How does one lift that bag? Otherwise, we can still learn from one another at just about any time. Ask questions and post something new that...

Re: Use this thread to convert recipes to suit your equipment...

I do not think the BIABacus has a specific line for altitude adjustment. My guess is that you will have to learn by experience and change the amount of hops accordingly. I know that's not real helpful, but at higher altitudes, the boiling point of wort with specific gravity above 1.000 can still be ...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Welcome, Neil. The BIABacus spreadsheet can scale recipes well, but at the 1 gallon level, it gets a bit stressed to do so. you are going to have to do the experiment. The grains and the mash result will probably give you close to the expected Gravity Into Boil but the Original Gravity (OG) at the e...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Welcome Alican from Istanbul, Turkey, and mdorland from North Carolina, USA, and alanwbrown from Scotland in the UK. The forum has tons of information regarding BIAB and the BIABacus to help you get to beer at the scale of your choice. You can search topics and ask questions, too. There are not as m...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Hello, bidalo, and welcome to the forum. Your enthusiasm and ambition are admirable. Let us know how the Belgian turns out - in about 6 weeks when it has mellowed out. The hardest part of brewing beer is the waiting. Drink a bottle sooner than two weeks after bottling has always made me think that I...

Re: Downtime

LumpySoh -It is good to hear from you. As for the financial state of things, my guess is that Simon knows more than anyone. If you get your brewshed up and running again, that will be something . If you have gone through an ordeal, this could be the helpful path forward. Scott & I have been posting ...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Welsome, Nick / Lampros. Yes, you can do this. The whole effort of gathering equipment, raw materials and time for brewing results in good beer that you can share with others. What more can one ask? The learnings along the way are also rewarding. Hello, MrYBear. While recent activity levels here hav...

Re: Downtime

Good to see things are up and running again. This site can continue to aid BIAB brewers by its members contributing information and thoughtful responses. That could be you! Jump in with questions, experiments and results where you can. thanks to NME for fixing the technical problems behind the recen...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Greetings, David (EQArtimus) and Tom (LilPuddin914). Simplicity reigns - you can mash in the kettle, pull the bag and drain it to the same kettle, then boil away. After that, one (or two) fermenting vessels and packaging are all you need for containers. David, you can also use Section W of the BIABa...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Welcome, moorejl57m, HAP-BR3W and Naivar. You have the far reaches of the globe covered! BIAB brewing is easier and enjoyable and simple. I get lots of advertisements for shiny equipment and I shake my head as I ask, "Why would I want that?" Ravian - If you bottle instead of kegging, a NEIPA present...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Ablask - Ouch! Going zero for three and trying again deserves credit as long as you get help. First, I hope you are doing All Grain batches with good fresh grain crushed less than two weeks prior to mashing, full volume 90 minute mash near 66 ºC the whole time, a 90 minute rolling boil with bitterin...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Welcome Billythebrew. I started brewing with kits and switched to BIAB for much the same reasons you wish to leave kits behind. If you employ the BIABacus spreadsheet - now that you have registered you can get it - you will get pretty close to the ...

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