Search found 56 matches

Re: Comeback?

A comeback would be fantastic. This was my first introductory site to brewing and I have often come back here over the years to reread old posts. I've checked several times over the past couple weeks and the site has been down. Glad to see it up again and running again. Just as an FYI to the admins ...

Re: Pitching Rate of Yeast

I'm not familiar with the site you use but it gives a similar result to my preferred calculator ( The variables I'm unsure of is how old your yeast or your flask size is so you might have to adjust a bit for that. I've attached a screen shot of what I ...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Welcome Leo, if you haven't done so already you'll want to have a look at the brewing software developed here, BIABacus, It's an excellent tool for nailing your brew day. Also this thread will help you g...

Re: Use this thread to convert recipes to suit your equipment...

Once you spend some time with BIABacus it'll come easier. I'm wondering about having to top up your fermenter though. Did you allow the bag to drain over the kettle while bringing everything to a boil? I'll often combine that with squeezing the bag to get as much of the absorbed wort back as possibl...

Re: 200L build (call me MrGreedy!)

kush1960 That's over 220 lbs/99.8Kg based on the weight of 100L of water. My first concern would be whether your hob could support the weight of the kettle when it's full, spreading across 2 would help but the larger 240v models I've come across are about 41cm wide. Not sure how large your 2BBL sys...

Re: Use this thread to convert recipes to suit your equipment...

hoptician Glad to hear your up and running with the kettle. I would just let BIABacus do the work of figuring out how much to add for you. When you need to make hop substitutions and you've already worked out your recipe in BIABacus you can use the column next to the original Hop Bill and it will p...

Re: Use this thread to convert recipes to suit your equipment...

hoptician no worries on the conversion. I'm assuming your corny keg is 19L. For this recipe and others with similar O.G. should leave you with enough room in your keg to stay below the gas side dip tube. Filling up to the brim might increase the likelihood of it gumming up your disconnect unless I'...

Re: Use this thread to convert recipes to suit your equipment...

hoptician I've had some time this morning to hunt down the recipe you mentioned. There is a lot of information left out that you would need in order to make a true clone using their ingredients. However, using the attached BIABacus file you should be able to get pretty close. Hopefully some of the ...

Re: Use this thread to convert recipes to suit your equipment...

hoptician Definitely post your file as Scott recommended so we can have a look. This thread may also help shed some light on converting recipes from other sources , its not too long of a read but I find it helps when I...

Re: La Muerta Imperial Stout clone

BIABacus PR1.3U - Imperial Stout - La Muerta clone - Batch A0 (Updated).xlsx alanwbrown There are a couple issues with the recipe as you've entered it. The first being the size of your kettle, I may be wrong but I doubt it has the same dimensions for height and diameter. BIABacus is going to use th...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Staffan Welcome! I know registering isn't for everyone but I think you'll find a ton of useful information here and we look forward to seeing your future posts. It was straight from seeing one extract brew at a friends house and right into BIAB for me and this site has been invaluable along the way...

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

grainbrother & tonysbrewery Welcome to both of you! There is a great community here all willing to help you along the way when questions arise. I recommend you to start with the basics of biab, , and have a look over the BIABacus calculator, https...

Re: Moving to E-BIAB

Alright well I needed to use some grain and couldn't wait to test drive the induction burner with the kettle insulated. From mash temp to a boil to exactly 30 minutes with almost 3.5g/13.2l of wort. Not exactly matching theoretical times based on pure math but there are environmental factors to cons...

Re: Downtime

I've had some inactive time away from the site and it's sad to come back and hear that we lost Pat. I didn't know him as well as some of you but we had communicated by email back and forth a number of times about adding features to Biabacus. Sincerely hope we as a community can keep this site active...

Re: Moving to E-BIAB

Just thought I'd update this post as I've done a few batches with this system now. Starting with hot tap water helps reduce the time needed to get to mash temps although 120v/1800w, using an avalon bay induction cooktop, on a kettle without insulation will need the lid at least partially on to get m...

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