The Basics of Measurement and Records.

Post #1 made 14 years ago
[center]All brewers, new and experienced, are encouraged to start new topics in this section provided they have read the below.[/center]

[center]This section of the forum is still being structured.[/center]

Note that this section needs to make the following points...

1. This section will probably best be written as a series of several stickies. Do not lock the topics but "clean," the thread regularly.

2. Calibration - Volumes of vessels, thermometers and hydrometers.

3. The following write could help somewhere...

New brewers can get quite caught up in analyzing single efficiency figure. It is not wise to do this. A single efficiency figure is based on a gravity reading and a volume reading. As many things can go wrong when taking these, they can often be very inaccurate.

BIABrewer does encourage new brewers to take readings and record them when they are mentioned in The Commentary BUT does not encourage analyzing these figures to any great degree until after you have done 5 or 10 brews. These figures, when averaged, will then have become valuable and your experience at taking readings will also have developed.

[center]All brewers, new and experienced, are encouraged to start new topics in this section provided they have read the above.[/center]
Last edited by BIABrewer on 10 Mar 2010, 20:08, edited 11 times in total.

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