Post #26 made 13 years ago
Hello, I found the registration easy, but a bit confusing. Did some reading to try and figure everything out. I did a post to complete the registration. Still not sure what "collecting keys" is about though. Looking forward to gaining some knowlede.

Post #27 made 13 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to give your feedback. It is always read, considered and appreciated.

ebo, Hippy, jesterdarts and MidnightShift:- I think you all found your way okay to making your first post. Usually a first post is approved very quickly. It would be rare to see a first post not get approved within 8 hours at most.

Once it is approved, you will see your post appear in the My First Post thread and you will have access to all downloadable files*. You should also receive a notification email as soon as your first post is approved.

Your name will not change in colour however until you log out and then back in.

* Having access to all the downloadable files is what we mean by, "collecting your site keys."

Thanks again,
Last edited by Pat on 17 Nov 2010, 18:29, edited 11 times in total.
Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Post #28 made 13 years ago
Hi the registration was no problem, took a while but it was useful to read the information and I understand why you've decided to go about it this way - encouraging people to be active on a forum is a good idea. I don't have any criticisms of the process or any ideas for improving it - I think it's fine as it is.

Now that I'm fully registered I'm really looking forward to learning more about BIAB. I've been wanting to go all-grain for a while now but was always put off by the expense of the gear and the complexity of the process, this looks much better suited to my finances and ability!

Anyway, thanks again to everyone here for getting this forum going and I'm sure I'll be pestering you all with a lot of questions when I get going.


Last edited by stemplar on 26 Nov 2010, 09:00, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Changed from Guest to Aleian

Post #29 made 13 years ago
Yeah the process is good in the way that it engages you to actually go through and read and learn about the background and fundamentles of this style of making beer. At the end of the day you will get more people here that are active members. I can't wait to get a few BIAB's under my belt and learn all the tricks to make commercial quallity beer at home.

Post #30 made 13 years ago
1. Was the time it took to go through the process worthwhile? Yes
2. Did you cheat? Yea I cheated a little :)
3. Did you learn anything? I learned tons.
4. What impression did it leave you about the site culture? great people, but hey we all like making and drinking BEER!
5. Should we change anything? Nope, don't change a thing.
Last edited by Clinket on 24 Feb 2011, 07:03, edited 11 times in total.

Post #31 made 13 years ago
1) Yes thanks
2) Skipped the stuff I'd read whilst "lurking" before
3) Yes, it's an organised board that is unlikely to have things descend into trollish arguments!
4) That the info is going to be spot on and trustworthy
5) I'd maybe say upon registering that there's just a few hoops to jump through yet and that your following the process is appreciated.

All in all, the registration process created an impression of thoughtful site management.

Many thanks

(edit spelling mistake!)

Post #32 made 13 years ago
1. Was the time it took to go through the process worthwhile?
I'm always eager to read and learn about new things so naturally impatient. However I do understand why this is done and in the few hours it took to gain full access I learnt more about the community.

2. Did you cheat?
A bit but have lurked and read things before.

3. Did you learn anything?
Already have and will learn lots more in the coming months Im sure.

4. What impression did it leave you about the site culture?
Friendly, protective of their community and mad about excellent beer!

5. Should we change anything?
\cant see anything for now

Post #33 made 13 years ago
Thanks so much to those of you who have posted here since I last wrote. The novel registration process we chose for here is something we often worry about. It's great to read here that you are able to see the reasoning behind it and the postives to it.

The obvious negatives are that it is different, requires a bit of reading and effort and is also probably a tad confusing especially if the instructions are skimmed over which is something we all like to do ;).

The quality of members is excellent but as to whether this has anything to do with the registration process, who knows?

:think: and thanks again,
Last edited by Pat on 17 May 2011, 20:00, edited 11 times in total.
Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Post #34 made 13 years ago
I think it might be a good idea to change the terminology

"How to collect your site keys"

Is a little bit opaque, perhaps if you just used the simpler

"How do I become a fully registered member?"
Fermenting: -
Cubed: -
Stirplate: -
On Tap: NS Summer Ale III (WY1272), Landlord III (WY1469), Fighter's 70/- II (WY1272), Roast Porter (WY1028), Cider, Soda
Next: Munich Helles III


Post #35 made 13 years ago
I appreciate the inclusiveness/exclusivity of BIABrewer as a whole.
I'm on my second batch. Both brews have been extract w/ steeped grains.
I'm planning on doing an amber ale biab style next month. I'm glad I found BIABrewer,
but I'm a little frustrated that I can't access the content I'm looking for because I'm so new.
I will have patience.


Post #36 made 13 years ago
Took me two days to make up my mind whether I REALLY wanted to register. It all seemed a bit overworked if you'll excuse my saying so, even though I understand it is a way to fend of spammers and other abusers. What pushed me over the edge was my curiosity for Th Calculator. Seems like a nice place you're running here, and I expect to learn tons once I get my first post approved...
I grew into my name

Post #37 made 13 years ago
I can't remember the questions having just read through all the other posts.

Basically I found the registration process pretty harmless. Although I was a bit confused why I couldn't read the commentary before my first post. Not confused about the reasoning behind that, as I think it is sound. I just didn't know that was the case.

I now look forward to reading more about BIAB as I am seriously considering it as my next process.

Post #38 made 13 years ago
Thanks Josh and to the others through to stux above who have commented here. (Liked your first post about getting things across the border Josh :))

I would like to see The Commentary re-writen and made accessible to any guest but all these things take time and we definitely are running way behind in that department. At the very least we should improve 'The Basics of BIAB'. One small improvement seems to take about twenty times the amount of time originally estimated though.

The Calculator will be getting an overhaul next thanks to stux and I am quite frightened at how much time that is going to take as changes in The Calculator percuss through many key parts of the site. I think most of this will end up having to be done off-board to get it right so we might ask the Enthusiasts for some help with that task.

Thanks for joining us here and also for taking the time to post to this thread. I trust you'll find to be a community made up of brewers with an excellent spirit.

Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Post #39 made 13 years ago
Registration wasn't too bad. Bit slower than for many other websites (Brewing ones included)
BUT... I reckon it's probably worth it to keep it spam free and nasty comment free
and the trade-off of maybe having less (but more serious) members is probably a good one
I did read a bit before registering but what i saw convinced me to register
Just my two cents...
Looking forward to my first BIAB, hopefully in the next two weeks or so...

Post #40 made 12 years ago
I only joined up to get the BIAB download I didn't realise the rest was here. It was a pleasant sunrise. I like learning from forums. Registration was quick and simple.

Post #41 made 12 years ago
Seemed fairly painless except after linking back from email received I was still not able to access some of the downloads.
However when I read all the intro sections I realised that a first post is needed for full registration.
Probably a few others like me want to dive straight in and are used to not reading the small print... My fault I know.
Great site though and incredibly useful in helping me establish best way forward.

Post #42 made 12 years ago
Thanks for your feedback Killer, Tanga and leggedit. It is always appreciated.

What I think we'll do is set things up so that an email is sent to the new member that explains what they need to do to become fully resistered. This should make things a bit clearer.

Many thanks again,
Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Post #43 made 12 years ago
1. Was the time it took to go through the process worthwhile? I believe it will prove to have been!

2. Did you cheat? I tried to read everything? Maybe a skim here or there ;)

3. Did you learn anything? Yes

4. What impression did it leave you about the site culture? Extremely willing to reach out and help promote brewing.

5. Should we change anything? So many windows keep popping open. I'll read one thing that is called essential and in the first line it says I must read something else so i click that and theres another window, but do I read the newest window or the window that was the most "important thing on the site"? Regardless of confusion, extremely excited to be a part of things and I can't wait to learn as well as contribute along the way in whatever way I can. Very grateful to those who have put this together!

Post #44 made 12 years ago
Just registered but I'm not sure I got the right page or whatever. I had a fairly standard forum registration page with no special quiz. I'm wondering if that's also why I can't view attachments like the comments on the master guide after logging in.

Post #45 made 12 years ago
5. the lack of being able to post is annoying. why doesn't email verification and perhaps the first 5 points to be approved weed out the 'idiots'* that have made it impossible for me to participate for many days as i finally found a "new user" who had a post and had to piggy back to find these threads. or perhaps make this and the "post here to unlock.." easier to find, to prevent us legitimate people from writing off a potential great resource that would as to me appeared to be a fake site when it would allow me to post attachments but not replies or start topics.

[ModNote: Expletive moderated.]
MoRdAnTlY [Mr. Wolf '91 - '11]

Post #46 made 12 years ago
Sorry to hear you had such a bother getting here mordantly. In the early days of this site, which wasn't that long ago, we had no end of trouble with spam bots. To try and eradicate this problem and to allow the volunteer moderators time to enjoy the site along with regular members, the current registration process was devised.

We understand that it is not the best, however the site admin are constantly looking and thinking of ways to improve the process.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts on how we can improve please feel free to submit them here.

Welcome aboard and happy brewing.
Last edited by hashie on 20 Aug 2011, 06:22, edited 11 times in total.
"It's beer Jim, but not as we know it."

Post #47 made 12 years ago
Welcome to the forum Ratbastard, Erroneous and mordantly. Thanks for taking the time to post here. These posts really help. All three of you found the full registration process either slightly or majorly bewildering. Here is where we are heading...

RedBaron has just joined the admin team and can devote quite a few hours a week to the site so this means we now have enough manpower to start moving things forward a little.

We'll be making some changes to the registration process after the new calculator is finished. For example, we will allow newly registered members to download critical files such as the new calculator. We will also send out clear emails to newly registered members explaining how to become fully registered.

All the above not only take 'backend' time but also require a full re-write and re-structuring of the "BIABrewer" posts and threads (and many others) which is quite a laborious process. Everything seems to take ten times longer than we envisage but the end result of all this time should be increased simplicity and quality for BIAB brewers.

We will though, still require a 'first post' for anyone to be able to post on the forum. Whilst this might discourage some users, we do think it will encourage people to have a bit of a read here, see that the culture of the forum is of high quality and then, when they do post, they will aim to maintain that quality. This high quality means that members always recieve friendly and well-considered answers rather than having to sort through a maze of instant but often confusing or incorrect answers.

So, expect to see some changes though we still have lots to think through. For example, some of the most basic things we have to think of are name changes. What new name should we use for the existing, 'Newly Registered Members', 'Fully Registered Members' and the new upcoming 'The Calculator'? When we make these name changes, we then need to consider how these changes will affect existing posts. Most of these considerations will go completely unnoticed because, if we get it right, there will be no need to notice. We think they are extremely important though as quality information is often very hard to source on the net.

Let us know if you have any suggestions. Many thanks,
Are you a "Goodwill Brewer?" Pay forward and Buy Some BIPs ;)

Post #49 made 12 years ago

I'll just summarize what I wrote in my intro.

I like it.

I am a non active member of plenty of forums and the #1 reason why I am not there anymore is not that I lost interest in the topic, it is just that I find the "side chatter" not usually worth the effort to weed through. A chuckle or spat or inside joke, etc. is OK in context of information, but sometimes I want to just say, "Get a room guys!" There is enough technology available for two or more people to communicate without having to drag everyone in who accidentally clicked onto a link.

Looking forward to gaining access to the "meat and potatoes" here. A little wait is worth it to me. Thanks for this forum, I bet it will be here a long time, and likely because of the outline you have provided.
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